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Meters and More

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METERS AND MORE is an International non-profit association governed by Belgian Law (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif - AISBL). The Association maintains and promotes the communication protocol METERS AND MORE, that enables bidirectional data transfer in an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system. METERS AND MORE is a new generation protocol which leverages from the experience of Enel's Telegestore, the unique AMI solution in operation worldwide over 32 million customers. METERS AND MORE powers the smart meters that Endesa is installing up to 13 million customers in Spain. The main goal of the Association is to provide the industry with a proven open protocol for smart metering, thus being a tangible answer to the European Commission’s Mandate 441 to achieve standard AMM solutions across the continent. The Association is in charge to make available on an open basis and evolve the protocol specifications, certify compliance of new equipments and promote the protocol’s widespread diffusion. Contact us at:

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