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EIT Food

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Nonprofit Organization Management


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0,0 /5

Organizational Experience

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Work Environment and Culture

0,0 /5

Career Development

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EIT Food is Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted. We believe that we are all responsible for, and connected to, the food that we eat so we all need to work together to improve it. Our role is to bring all players together and guide and accelerate the innovation process that will transform the food system. We are made up of an innovation community of key industry players across Europe, consisting of over 50 partner organisations and over 50 startups from 16 EU member states. We are on a mission to create a sustainable and future-proof food system. We will do this by building an inclusive and innovative community where the consumer is actively involved. We will achieve our mission by: • Creating and scaling-up agrifood startups to deliver new food innovations and businesses • Developing talents and leaders to transform the food system • Launching new innovative products, ingredients and solutions to deliver healthier and more sustainable food • Engaging the public so they can become the agents of change in the food system

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